Global Gallery


Artist Biographies


Australian artist was born in Towoon Bay on the Central Coast of New South Wales. Trained in fine art, textile, and graphic design in Sydney, she is internationally known for her unique style of painting in mixed media, incorporating collage, gouache, acrylics, oils, inks, cement, sand, and pastels. This young artist has the unique ability to transcend creative boundaries of artistic media. Instead, Sarina embraces new media and uses it as an opportunity to amplify the universe of her experience. Some of her more unusual commissions include hand painting a resort bus in Fiji, painting Julie Andrew's jeans for a well-known children's charity art auction, creating dinnerware and Italian silk scarf designs, and her own line of table and bed linens. Her commissions cross international borders. This gives the opportunity to visit different destinations and provides a constant source of inspiration for the artist.

As a toddler, was encouraged by her mother, an art teacher, in every facet of creative art. has finely developed talents in spinning, weaving, pottery, sculpture, rug making, carpentry, and carving. As a young teenager, she became a center of attention for her outrageous clothes and hair fashions. At one point, she even started a trend at her coed school for wearing the boys' uniform rather than the girls' until the headmaster intervened.

Upon graduation from Sydney College of the Arts, started as a freelance designer, producing everything from book covers, annual reports, and corporate identity packages to sports and surfwear. Following a successful exhibition of her fine art paintings, she decided to focus on her art work and murals which gave her more scope and creative satisfaction. Since then she has easily made the transition to full time artist and has been extremely successful in attracting many corporate commissions.

Sarina is married to an Australian entrepreneur who owns several fashionable restaurants in Sydney. A natural athlete, usually goes for long runs on the beach every morning. She has competed in major Australian triathalon races and marathons, and at 19, went as part of the Australian life guard team to the Canadian World Expo. Her passion for water sports has always led her to live by the sea, the most profound and lasting inspiration for her art.

Her versatility, enormous wealth of talent, and studies in various disciplines have led her to expand artistically into arenas of creativity formerly appropriated for specialists, such as furniture design, ceramics, mosaics and tiles. In fact, first explored ceramics as a fun way to accessorize her paintings but her designs quickly blossomed into a business of their own. She now employs a small group of artists to help with hand painting ceramics of her own design.

Her work incorporates ideas from both her travels and her love of the ocean, as well as her desire to create designs using fruit, flowers and object d'art producing a harmony of composition and color that is totally individual. Her background in textiles is apparent from the textures she achieves within her paintings and the energy she generates in her work is unique to the style has made solely her own.

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